Tendre & plus

Tendre & Plus is there for you every day

Tendre & Plus was launched in 2009 to offer you not only high-quality meat, but also smart advice and simple meal ideas.



Sourires de campagne

The first 100% organic, 100% smiles brand

In conjunction with the French union of organic farmers, we have co-created Sourires de Campagne to provide you with high-quality organic meats and encourage other farmers to go organic by guaranteeing them a fair price. Sourires de Campagne has the commitment of more than 2,500 organic farmers who took the decision in 2004 to focus their farms on the same project: to promote a virtuous model of agriculture based on the cycles of nature.


La nouvelle agriculture

For life… For the future

La Nouvelle Agriculture® was born out of the desire of farmers in western France to build strong and direct links with consumers. So for you, we’ve envisioned the agriculture of tomorrow: an innovative agriculture that respects the living world around us, with farmers able to produce affordable high-quality natural products for healthier nutrition.
